What's the point of emitting or broadcasting something if it doesn't stick, and if it doesn't provoke feeling, thought or discussion? I don't mean to launch complex debates or forums about what I write about, but I consider an entry a "success" if I can make someone think or feel something that's outside of their immediate experience. Maybe in particular about food, maybe an entry about chocolate made you think about first time you tasted REAL chocolate - did your world change? From that point on would you continue to classify "smarties" as chocolate? Or that first time you tasted something that was so perfect that it made you think all the way back to where it came from, how it was tended and what creativity and mastery was required to render it to the state of perfection in the form of a bite in your mouth.
What I love about food, aside from the obvious sensory satisfaction, is that there's a sense of place, history, love and ceremony to making and eating food. Maybe it's the food geek in me that wants to force a lot more meaning into food than what is sitting there in front of me on a plate. And it's the same writing geek in me that wants words to be more than just what's on the screen/page. There's a potential in making the experience of reading or eating as immediate or as transcendent as you want it, but the most interesting part of it all is where it meets - you. The person, forming the relationship between the immediate sensory experience and everything else that matters or doesn't matter floating in time and space.
Maybe it's presumptuous of me, but I'd like to write for that end.
Has anyone seen "the Watchmen"? I'm starting to make myself out to be a real Dr. Manhattan. I mean well though.