Did you know that every year, the night before Bastille Day, the firemen of Paris throw what's called a "Bal des Pompiers"? Probably not, because I didn't. 60 firehalls/firehall courtyards are transformed into giant neighbourhood parties, staffed by firemen and the like. I know. Ladies, it's true, I wouldn't lie about something like this. To top it all off, the champagne was a-flowing, and served in adorable plastic flutes.
Oh, and did I mention that the firemen in Paris and Marseille are of a particularly elite class? Aside from being firemen, they're also members of the french military, which explains why they are uniformly young and uniformly clean cut. That is to say, uniformly everything that you'd expect a fireman/soldier to be. All were welcome at the event (families included) and we went as a group of 2 canadian couples and our friend from Paris, we all had an amazingly fun time -- but let's be honest here, it's really a party for girls. The guys that we came with, just had to shrug and go along with the spectacle of the whole thing like the good sports that they are.
My favorite moment of the night was when the dance floor went nuts over a string of 80's french hits. It was awesome, and in the way that a medley of bon jovi, acdc and def lepoard is awesome - only more because it was the night before le quatorze juillet in Paris, and we were tipsy off of champagne and dancing in the open-air of a french firehall courtyard.
photos courtesy of M's camera