A series of unfortunate events has really foiled my plans to live and work in France, namely a worldwide economic recession. I could blame it on the bad timing, my sub-par french, or just poor planning on my part, but whatever it is - Paris isn't showing me any employment love. I was stubborn and clingy to the idea of being with Paris, but eventually I came to terms with the fact that maybe it's just not our time.
So. I'm leaving Paris - for Burgundian wine country - on bikes and with a tent. One last hurrah in France before we return home in November. I can't tell you much besides that. It's a real pattern for me and my time here in France - that is, not knowing what I'll be doing or where I'll be living 2 months out. Oh, and we're going to try and get some work during the harvest. In exchange for an authentic french country meal and free wine I am willing to endure great hardship. In the mean time here are some random images from Paris:
We were on Pont des Arts one night with a friend. Isn't this couple cute? I love his navigational earnestness, and she looks like she's being patient and helpful trying to spot landmarks. It was a fine summer night, we were right smack in the middle of a pedestrian bridge over the Seine with views of Notre Dame and the island. Where else did they possibly want to go?
In this photo, I've placed a keen young man next to the book case as a size reference. His enthusiasm comes from the fact that he's been reading about culture and imperialism...a work that is coincidentally titled as such. Some could say he was like a kid in a culture and imperialism candy store.