Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bjerkreim forever!

After hemorrhaging money in Oslo (the CAD took a dive), we took some financial refuge on the south west coast of Norway.  P has some family in Bjerkreim and we spent a week taking it way too easy and eating way too much.  We stayed with Ola, Tora and Bjorn at Birkeland farm, which has been in the family for 300 years - always passed down to an "Ola" or a "Bjorn".  Run by Ola and Tora (both retired teachers), the farm has sheep, dairy cows, a field of rutabagas, a lake, springs and lots of rocks.

Birkeland farm makes me happy.

A scramble up Church Mountain.
A scramble up Church
The view of the house from the top.  The siding was being replaced and the hammering started at 8:00 on the first few days.

Kuli - P's grandfather's family left their farm/home on this site 6 months before he was born.  The family had survived an avalanche (or maybe 2?), during one avalanche the kids were buried under the snow and the parents (great grandfather/mother) were able to find them because they saw a hand sticking out from the snow.  The stones were the foundations from the old house.  

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