Went to the Père Lachaise cemetery last week and wandered around just taking it all in. It was really beautiful and still there, aside from the handful of tourists in search for Jim Morrison's grave (anticlimactic by the way). BUT, check out this beaut - Oscar Wilde's grave. It was recently re-done by a benefactress that was a fan of his work. If you zoom in, you can see lipstick kisses all over it!!! Love love love. Shades of pink, reds and browns - lips on stone.
And alien tears will fill for him
Pity's long broken urn.
For his mourners will be outcasts
And outcasts always mourn.
I joined facebook the other day. It was a little overwhelming at first and I'm retreating to this blog as a security blanket of sorts. It's so quiet here! Facebook is like a highschool science fair, everyone's lives on display on a 3-panel bristol board. Or maybe a highschool cafeteria, where there are so many people you can go and talk to in 5-minute intervals before moving on and getting in line to order your fries. I'm more used to wordy blogs and lengthy emails of late - but that's because I've had time and lots of it. I wonder if I am in actuality a homebody or if it is just being with P, ironically he happens to be the most socially well-received person I know. But P loves being at home. "Hate" is a strong word, but I'll say he was "glad to escape" Vancouver and all its (our) social obligations. As I flip through photos on facebook and see myself and my friends I really question if I'm as homebody on the inside as I've come to be with P.