I'm posting some random pictures about food...because I like it. Giving our wallets (and the ailing Canadian dollar) a rest, we've been eating in a lot. No matter, I love it. I've been thinking about food a little too much these days, but it's really not my fault. There is so much of it everywhere, and so many intriguing things call my name when I walk by them at the market. Even though I can't take everything home with me that same day, I can at least say a little prayer for it and bring them home next time. I tried pan-roasting duck for the first time. Scary at first, all that fat and just my little toaster oven to finish. But it all went off without a hitch and everything turned out parfait. I made a sauce from some red wine, star anise and figs (well aren't I fancy?). As promised, some random pictures of food:

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