Check out what I found in the dessert aisle of the supermarket. 2 servings for 2 euros. 2 little squares of cold velvety chocolate fondant.

Oysters are a Christmas food here. They're everywhere and in all forms in baskets at the markets. These are No. 3 oysters from Brittany, 6.50/dozen.

Cold, briny and melony. I made 2 different mignonettes to try - but I think they were best with lemon...and white wine of course. I muscled through opening 8 of them, and then had to get P to finish opening the rest. The oyster knife is sharp, the oyster shells are sharp and we were using excessive force. After the ordeal, we decided that we needed to have the emergency numbers case of oyster-related injuries.
If you're sick of food, here's a picture from a walk we took the other day. It's just moss and plants growing on the side of a brick building.
I could never be sick of the food pics - in fact, I do think I am salivating as I read your posts.
Isn't it great that French women don't get fat? ;)
LOL! i love the last pic and lead-in. i find it hilarious: "food, gorgeous food, more food...if you're sick of food, here's a wall!" it is a nice looking wall!
thanks for the card P&P! happy christmas to you too! looking forward to reading more...
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